Post by lithle on Dec 21, 2010 22:00:38 GMT -5
There are currently thirty whers at Warden's Weyr. The following list shows: the number of each color being played, the total number of whers of that color, the names of the handlers, the names of the whers, and the names of the person playing them.
2/2 Golds Wherleader Zalman of Zalmask , played by syal Boy of Gold Claresk, played by Giftwrapped
2/5 Bronzes Bujare handler of Busk, played by lesa Moriolle handler of Moriosk, played by Lea
3/7 Browns Bujare handler of Bask, played by Lesa Annette handler of Annesk, played by lithle Thaelen handler of Thaelesk, played by Momo
5/10 Blues Annette handler of Ask, played by lithle Druen handler of Drusk, played by Nemix Rivek handler of Risk, played by Tua Dirigion handler of Dirrisk, played by Wren Takei handler of Takesk, played by Maggie
3/6 Greens Siata handler of Siatask, played by Nozomi Lexine handler of Lexisk, played by Snalf I'saac handler of Isaask, played by Giftwrapped
1/1 White Lucine handler of Lucisk, played by Filch
Post by nozomi on May 25, 2011 20:19:20 GMT -5
Outlaw Whers Bellatrix with Gold Bellatrisk and Green Bellask Rynn with Blue Wennrysk and Green Rysk